Orgelfestival | Stephen Tharp – New York /USA

Top-Organist aus New York (USA) eröffnet das Orgelfestival in Arbon.

Stephen Tharp aus New York/USA zählt weltweit zu den Top-Organist:innen. Am Sonntag 11. August 2024 wird Stephen Tharp das «Internationale Orgelfestival Arbon» eröffnen. DIe Arboner Orgel ist das grösste Instrument im Kanton Thurgau und feiert mitsamt dem Kirchgebäude 2024 ihren 100. Geburtstag.

Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687)
Overture, from Phaeton (1683)
(Organ adaptation by Stephen Tharp)

Pierre Cochereau (1924-1984)
Improvisation “Boston Symphony” (1956)
(Organ adaptation by Jeremy Filsell)

Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881)
Pictures at an Exhibition (1874)
-Promenade (walking through the exhibit)
-Gnomus (Gnome)
-Il Vecchio Castello (The Old Castle)
-Tuileries (children quarreling after play)
-Bydlo (Oxen)
-Ballet of the Chicks in Their Shells
-Two Polish Jews, One Rich, the Other Poor
-Limoges, The Market Place
-Catacombae: Speculum Romanum (the violence and poetry of darkness)/
Con Mortuis in Lingua Mortua (With the Dead in a Dead Language)
-Baba Yaga: The Witch on Foul’s Legs – cadenza by Jean Guillou
-The Great Gate at Kiev
(Organ adaptation by Stephen Tharp)

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